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Embedded Systems Bootcamp: Learn by Building Projects
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Introduction and Which IDE to use?
Creating an STM32 project using STM32CubeIDE
Creating an STM32 Project using VS Code
Project creation and LED pins setup
Project compilation and producing different output files(.elf, .bin, .ihex)
Programming the target board using bootloader
Programming and debugging using ST Link debugger
LED Blinker using Timer interrupts
LED Blinker with Timer Interrupts Testing and Debugging using USB logic analyser
LED Blinker using button interrupts
Project objective
Project big picture
About I2C Bus
I2C master configuration
PWM signal generation using timer peripheral
PWM parameter settings
Plotting PWM using STM32CubeMonitor Software
Understanding MPU6050 sensor and specifications from datasheet
Reading accelerometer data from MPU6050
Testing mpu6050_init() function on the hardware
Reading accelerometer data using STM32 I2C MemRead API
Testing acceleromter data read and plotting using CubeMonitor
Calculating roll angle and applying kalman filter
Mapping kalman roll angle to pwm duy cycle to control LEDs
About FreeRTOS
Adding FreeRTOS to project
RTOS time base configuration
Steps to implement FreeRTOS task to read MPU6050 and control PWM
Stack and Heap setup
FreeRTOS priorities
Implementing Tasks
Direct task notifications
Direct task notifications contd.
MPU6050 interrupts
MPU6050 interrupt registers explanation
Coding for MPU6050 interrupt configuration
Implementing MPU6050 ISR
Implementing MPU6050 ISR Contd.
Testing project with RTOS
IDE setup
Introduction and Which IDE to use?
Creating an STM32 project using STM32CubeIDE
Creating an STM32 Project using VS Code
Project-001-LED Blinker
Project creation and LED pins setup
Project compilation and producing different output files(.elf, .bin, .ihex)
Programming the target board using bootloader
Programming and debugging using ST Link debugger
LED Blinker using Timer interrupts
LED Blinker with Timer Interrupts Testing and Debugging using USB logic analyser
LED Blinker using button interrupts
Project-002-Orientation based LED control using MPU6050 and STM32
Project objective
Project big picture
About I2C Bus
I2C master configuration
PWM signal generation using timer peripheral
PWM parameter settings
Plotting PWM using STM32CubeMonitor Software
Understanding MPU6050 sensor and specifications from datasheet
Reading accelerometer data from MPU6050
Testing mpu6050_init() function on the hardware
Reading accelerometer data using STM32 I2C MemRead API
Testing acceleromter data read and plotting using CubeMonitor
Calculating roll angle and applying kalman filter
Mapping kalman roll angle to pwm duy cycle to control LEDs
About FreeRTOS
Adding FreeRTOS to project
RTOS time base configuration
Steps to implement FreeRTOS task to read MPU6050 and control PWM
Stack and Heap setup
FreeRTOS priorities
Implementing Tasks
Direct task notifications
Direct task notifications contd.
MPU6050 interrupts
MPU6050 interrupt registers explanation
Coding for MPU6050 interrupt configuration
Implementing MPU6050 ISR
Implementing MPU6050 ISR Contd.
Testing project with RTOS
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